Useful resources

Welcome! This page gathers general resources to help you better understand neurodevelopmental diversities (NDDs) and mental health, as well as research being conducted in the field. Resources are available in English, French and German, and additional languages may be implemented in a near future. To maximize your browsing experience, you can select the content you’re interested in by selecting the key words in the blue box below.

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Intellectual Disability




Fact Sheet

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Autism and Genomics?

Autism and Genomics?

In this video recorded in 2019, researchers from Trinity College Dublin invited neurodivergent people and families to talk about the potential of genomics research in autism and the engagement of citizens in research projects. Two members of the R2D2-MH consortium are among the 5 experts interviewed: Prof, Louise Gallagher, chair of child and Adult Psychiatry and Michael Foley, Programme Manager for Trinity’s People and Patient’s Engagement (PPI) Ignite Office. Continue Reading Autism and Genomics?

ADHD Stigma & Discrimination Across Europe

Autism Europe

Autism Europe est une association internationale dont l’objectif princpial est de défendre les droits des personnes autistes et d’améliorer leur qualité de vie. Le site internet d’Autism Europe propose de nombreuses resources en langue francaise. Continue Reading Autism Europe

ADHD Stigma & Discrimination Across Europe

ADHD Europe

ADHD Europe is a European umbrella organization which represents self-support patient ADHD advocacy Non-Governmental Organizations within Europe. The ADHD Europe website is mainly in English but provides information in different languages too. Continue Reading ADHD Europe

ADHD Stigma & Discrimination Across Europe

SPARK for Autism

SPARK is an autism research study and a growing community of autistic individuals, their families, and researchers on a mission to advance the understanding of autism. The SPARK’s website is packed with resources and webinars demystifying research topics in the field of Autism (in English). Continue Reading SPARK for Autism

ADHD Stigma & Discrimination Across Europe


S’inscrivant dans l’initiative globale du Centre d’excellence des troubles du spectre de l’autisme et neurodéveloppementaux d’Île-de-France (InovAND), le service de psychiatrie de l’enfant et l’adolescent de l’hôpital Robert Debré AP-HP a développé la plateforme CléPsy pour mettre à votre disposition des outils pratiques et accessibles à tous. Continue Reading Clépsy