Frequently Asked Questions
What R2D2-MH stands for?
R2D2-MH stands for Risk and Resilience in Developmental Diversity and Mental Health.
What is the objective of the R2D2-MH project?
The primary objective of the R2D2-MH project is to understand risk and resilience factors associated with mental health and in the context of developmental diversity, to further deliver solutions tailored to the needs of the stakeholders.
What are developmental diversities?
Healthcare professionals and the society have long relied on a diagnosis-based approach, often using words as illness, disorder, diseases as well as treatment or cure hence contributing to the stigmatization of individuals with neurodevelopmental conditions. However, wellbeing and functioning can be seen in a more granular and inclusive way across developmental trajectories, through developmental diversity (the R2D2-MH approach).
What is Resilience?
Resilience is a process of adapting well in response to adversity and remain healthy despite the presence of risk-factors. Resilience is often associated with an increase of good outcome in the context of developmental diversity and mental health. Resilience is at the center of R2D2-MH, as the projects aims not only to identify resilience factors associated with developmental diversity and mental health, but also to integrate them in the predictive models and tools to be developed in the project.
What is co-creation and why is it important?
Co-creation is the involvement of citizens and individuals living with mental health and neurodevelopmental conditions, their families as well as policy makers, throughout the duration of the project. In R2D2-MH, two co-creation groups (adults and young individuals) contribute to research and to the development of tools and policies.
What is Positive Psychological Intervention and why is it important?
Positive Psychological Intervention aims to promote positive characteristics as optimism, savouring, use of strengths and self-compassion to enhance resilience to adversity and well-being. The R2D2-MH project aims at adapting Positive Psychological Intervention for parents of children with NDD through applications for smartphone and tablets.
Who is funding R2D2-MH?
R2D2-MH has been funded by Horizon Europe [grant agreement no. 101057385] and by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) under the UK government’s Horizon Europe funding guarantee [grant no.10039383].
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