Bringing R2D2-MH science to people: Video interview of Dr. Melissa Black on the development of ICF core-sets for resilience in Neurodiversity

Apr 30, 2024

In this interview, Dr. Melissa Black, postdoctoral researcher in the group of Prof. Sven Bölte at Karolinska Institute (Sweden), explains a recent publication entitled “Risk and resilience in developmental diversity: Protocol of developing ICF core sets”.

Aimed to be accessible to all, the interview is structured in 3 short sections in which Dr. Melissa Black answers the following questions:

  • What is the context of the publication ?
  • What is the publication about ?
  • What will be the impact on the community ?

Subtitles (English) have been included, and the transcript is available by clicking on the button below the video.


Dr. Melissa Black from Karolinska Institute explains a recent publication on the development of ICF core-sets for resilience in neurodiversity. The transcript is available by clicking on the button below.