Participation of neurodivergent people and family members sought for interviews about resilience factors in neurodiversity
Resilience is a dynamic process and includes individual and environmental factors such as physical surroundings or social support. Resilience factors can help people have a positive life despite challenges encountered in life, and R2D2-MH researchers are interested in identifying and better understanding these factors.
Using a one-to-one or group interview format, R2D2-MH researchers from Karolinska Institutet and the University of Antwerp would like to collect thoughts of neurodivergent people and family members on what factors have been important in their life.
The background is that the World Health Organization (WHO) has developed a tool called the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) that is used to describe everyday abilities under different conditions. This project aims to develop a specially adapted short version of the ICF for resilience in neurodevelopmental diversity that will create opportunities for both better care and research for neurologically and developmentally different people. For example, healthcare providers could develop more structured ways of identifying and describing the assets that someone has or can improve, which can help them have a better everyday life.
One step in developing this short version of the ICF is to identify the factors that you, as neurodivergent or family member, think are important for resilience and for having a successful life.
If you are:
- A neurodivergent individual (i.e., autistic, ADHD, dyslexia, etc.) or a family member (or close person) to a neurodivergent individual,
- Aged 7 years and older,
- and are interested in being involved in an online interview or focus group.
Please complete the short registration form by clicking on the button at the top of the page.